Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Update - Part 3 (Last Part)

No, this ain't my last happy post. Lol! Hopefully.

It's just that after a series of 'Happy. Satisfied with Life.' kinda posts, there is this sudden urge to experiment something new. 
Yeah, I know it's just an experiment, but I so wanna do it, soon. Lol!
Hence, ending this series of 'Happy Updates'.


(Dammit! Why is the Enter button not working!)


About my happy posts, I did pretty well with my result. Yeah, you got it right. University result. Not the great set of marks, but considering the fact the way I studied this semester, I am more than satisfied the way it turned out to be. That is, I passed. Yayy!

And if you've noticed, I mean if you happen to follow my blog regularly, which I am sure you don't! So just informing, that I changed things around a bit. 
The background, the arrangement, the order, etc, etc.

But yeah, my favourite font, still happens to be Arial. 
(But with Microsoft Office Word, I somehow like 'Calibri' more than 'Arial' and 'Times New Roman'. Lol!)

Ok. Now I am bored. I'll be back soon.
Till then, stay happy!

Happy Koel.
(And if you're wondering who's Koel? Go figure! Haha!)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy Update - Part 2

It's June, and here am I, sitting in the library, just reached workplace.
(Oh! Library is my workplace!)
Funny it is! This is the only library till date where I have actually done the reading part and I even enjoyed it. No. Seriously, I did.
Yeah, we don't have novels out here, but rest all what I need, yes, for studies, it is there.
May be it's the AC, or may be just the way it looks. Or may be, I don't know. I somehow like it, whatever I end up doing here, most of the times, it's kinda productive. Be it an assignment, presentation, project! Or even a blog post!

(Hmmmm. You know, whenever I write a post, it's always, I want something more creative, having more sophisticated words, something having much more to it. But at the end, I just end up rattling out my thoughts, in random way, it's more like whatever comes in mind, at that very moment itself. I do wish may be I could write a poem, or you know, just something more better and creative!)

May be that's just not me!

Anyway, so where was I?
Yeah! This library. Lol!

It feels good over here.

By the way, I had a good start today. Woke up early, something which I use to hate, I still do, and I'll probably do that forever. But, what made it good today, was the Yoga Class I had.


I had my first Yoga Class today. And I hope I do that sincerely, and regularly. :)

Heyy! Heyy!

The fat professor just entered the library. No, I don't mind her being fat, so am I!
It's just that she is weird. Really weird. And silly! Lol!
(You should listen to her ringtone. Hilarious! Haha!)

The batch-mates here are good. The ones I meet these days and I work with them. Nice people! Getting to learn a lot of things. Good things, must say.

Lol! I just read it again. I sound like a nerd, happily sitting in the 'Library' and writing a blog post!
But. No. I am nowhere close to that term!
If I had, I am sure my grades and scores would have been way better, and I would have been among the toppers, which clearly, I am not.

And that reminds me, results shall be out. Today!

Though the day started off well, I'm just dreading the fact that it might go downhill.
Yeah. I am scared because of the result.
*fingers crossed*
I hope, even if it has to be bad, it doesn't turn out to be too bad! :(
Just hate the suspense period. Huff!

I guess that is just it. I'm done for now. I should get back to doing something more constructive!
(I'm doing an Minor Project, by the way! Internship you could say.)
Oh! And just in case you might wanna know, I have been watching a LOT of movies. It's like I'm on a movie watching spree. Yayy! :D
Also, I have been exercising a lot these days, alongside Yoga! Not to forget, the evening walks as well. Haha!

And the credit goes to someone really HOT! And if that person happens to read this, "Thank you!"
And if at all I go kinda off track, well, you know what you gotta do. Lol!

So with this, I shall now get back to those articles!

(Gosh! Damn you! I HAVE TO LOOSE WEIGHT Schedule! The entire body is in pain!)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy Update - Part 1

Things might not be at their best, but certainly better than the disaster I had expected to happen. Anyway! So from tomorrow, back to work. Things seem pretty fine as of now. And hopefully, it will remain so. 
*fingers crossed*

Monday, April 25, 2011


Somebody will get killed soon. It's been months. And I still don't have one bloody thing in hand. This is insane. I mean, this is what you get to see in India perhaps. 

You have a contact? 
You got through!

You don't?
Aww. Sad. You could wait in the line though.

And those HRs. All they can do is at least type a mail, and if they want to reject you, they might as well do that, but No! Select and Delete. That's it!

I have been trying like hell from past few months. And of all the replies I got, 
"We are sorry, but can try again next time."
Fine! Good, at least they replied. 
But the other dozens of mail that I've ever send to people. Not one single reply.

Strangely, you mail the Company Boss, or even to people across the globe if it's an International Organization. They reply, while the country HRs, of the very same organization, they don't!


It makes me feel as if I will never make it big. Yeah! I might. Only if I have contacts.

This is the last week, the very last week I will try. After that, well.
This remains.

And perhaps, it will remain so.

P.S. - This was just out of frustration. Don't get me wrong! Happy updates need to wait for sometime till things don't fall in place.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate.
I am the captain of my soul.
~ William Ernest Henley

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Okay. I am in a perfectly confused mood, tired and now, I guess feeling sleepy as well. Thanks to the afternoon lunch.

It's been 4 hours, since I started drafting it. And here I am, still thinking, what else to write, is it good enough?

And to add to the effect, I want to write something NOW and wrap it up. But taking breaks is always advisary. And within seconds.
New Tab Opened.
Facebook. Orkut. Twitter. Period.

And then I logged in to my blogger dashboard. YES! My concentration, suddenly shifted to my blog, which I had abandonned for quite a while.

Umm. I'm thinking of posting something. I should. But what should I? Expressing my thoughts frankly, is all what I can possibly think of right now.
I think I need a laptop. Or a new fish.
Yes, I want a pet. Naomi also turned 1 today. Yes, a pet might cheer me up. :)

Or completing my Curriculum Vitae? Yes, I was drafting my CV. (I guess did mention drafting something in the beginning.)

Oh crap! I'v lost it.
Hmmmmm. Music cures everything. Music with a video would be nice.
But what should I listen, Fleet Foxes? Oooohh! Yeah! :)

I have started thinking about something, a lot since yesterday. I also had detailed coversations about it from past 1 week. Even people at college noticed. (They noticed? Good sign.)
'Anusheema seems tensed.'
'She's become a lot more sincere.'

But to be honest, I hardly have. Infact, I might never be the sincere student I always hallucinate of. Maybe I should just give up on that!
Maybe I should just leave everything, and go on a permanent holiday! Maybe I should...... Damn it!
And it's always a MAYBE!

It has always been difficult for me to figure out what I want. What interests me more! Sometimes, I go like, 'Woahh! Eureka! I KNOW IT!'
And then, after sometime, I go back to saying.
'Umm. Nahhh. Maybe something else.'

And thus life always revolves around that stupid, maybe.
And know what? I have now started being indifferent towards it. It's something, yes, I know. That has to stay. And most probably. It will.
Strange. I realize that I STILL can't recognize the voice of my own self. Yes, that's funny because I have a record of talking to myself endlessly all the damn time.
A friend of mine had once said, 'You'll have multiple careers.'
(Oh yes! I love palmistry.)
Infact, any possible 'istry' or 'logy' that can tell me what I will do next!

Gosh! I sound like I am on drugs. But No. I am not.
I am just. Thinking.

And while taking breaks, I just found one of our professors on facebook!'
A great FB stalker I am. :P

Alright, I am jobless, I admit. But soon, I will not be.


And it's DONE. My CV is ready to hit the tables. It definitely feels comforting this one time.
Sometime soon, I will be doing some constructive project. Hopefully!

No. No. No. Even the very thought of not getting through those places hurts. :|
I don't want to think about it!
Yes, things will certainly fall into place, the moment I stop being online, and study something.
YES! That's exactly what I need.
After hours of just drafting a CV. Now, I will study. Economics!

I wonder how these Commerce students study this Subject. Of all I could gather is that, it is made of assumptions. And for us Science students, it is so difficult to conclude on things, based JUST on assumptions.
Damn the Subject!
Like it or not. I just have to. I better get going.

Maybe I might just end up liking the subject. Maybe. Or chuck it!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Voices of Change

Environmental change coupled with resource degradation and poverty is creating situations of extreme adversity in several parts of India.
As the
impacts of climate change become unequivocal, nature and ecosystems, natural resources and the people who depend on them will become more vulnerable during this century. This will imply less or uncertain availability of food and water, increased variability in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, loss or migration of species, significant changes in ecosystems and tremendous risk to human populations and their livelihoods. Impacts of climate change are likely to be felt more in developing countries such as India, given the greater reliance of its people on natural resources and ecosystems. In the fragile high altitude Himalayas, these changes cannot escape the notice of the people who have lived there for decades.
Warmer seasons and erratic precipitation have influenced their daily lives in terms of agricultural patterns and produce, clothing, lifestyles, food, livestock and livelihoods. Moreover, incidences of pest attacks and weeds have increased to a great extent. In coastal ecosystems, such as the Sundarbans, direct impacts of human induced climate change can be felt with rising sea levels and increasing salt water incursion on agricultural land and water bodies, threatening life, property, livelihoods, and leaving local communities more vulnerable than ever, as climate refugees. People over generations and even at present, continue to adapt to these environmental changes and develop their own resilience and coping mechanisms. However, due to the rapid and uncertain nature of the changes, old ways of coping are often proving inadequate.

This is a must read report prepared by WWF-India.
Voices of individuals who have witnessed change and are living these changes, of those who are finding ways to survive and move on in the hope of a better future by adapting to climate vulnerabilities and alternative livelihood options. It is to these intrepid individuals who have told their tales and the thousands who are still unheard, that this report is dedicated to. Also to those who are at risk, but are finding new ways and alternatives to tackle change. The capacity for resilience and undaunted hope in the face of adversity shines through all these stories, worthy of being heard and read.
Their lives remind us of how precarious our existence is.

Available at -