Friday, March 27, 2015

Let It Go

Let it hurt. Let it bleed. Let it heal. And let it go.

Sometimes it is the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. Or maybe it is the biggest decision changing your life forever.

They say change is good. Change is constant. Everything happens for a reason. But are we not consoling the heart, mind and soul to accept brutality of the present?

Are we really prepared for changes? Or do we embrace them just because there is no other choice left?

I'd say change isn't always the best thing you could have wished for. The trouble is not being able to avoid it, at all. We all hope for a better tomorrow. Hence, the willingness to accept change becomes a necessity. I too, hope for a brighter future. For all. And selfishly, for myself too. Change is inevitable. And so, I'll move on along with this change. I will accept what life throws back at me, with more hope, and also, dreams to follow.

This ain't the end. This will be a newer (brighter, perhaps) start. The start to a brand new chapter. The start for new challenges. The uncertain clear blue sky, and wings for the bird who now wishes to fly high.

At the end of the day, we're on our own. The power to silence the unnecessary questions, and the courage to move forward.

We all have a purpose, or maybe we don't. On this note. And as of today. This. This is what I shall follow. Learn to trust the journey, even when you do not understand it.

Happy blogging start!

P.S.  There are no literary skills in the posts to follow. These are just musings, trying to be portrayed in the best possible common language!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hi there!


This site would undergo changes in the near future (since a definite timeline would be stressful). Nonetheless, tune in to this space for more stuff coming in soon (after four years, things would finally be back in action).

Peace out.