Monday, August 30, 2010

The Lost Sense of Wonder

Ok. We were having this detailed discussion. And then this whole thing about our sense of wonder, and the fact that we've all grown up came into picture! I had read an article like months back, and then thought of writing something on those lines. But, yeah, the amount of distraction in life, well. Apologies for the delay! Here it is.


Is it? Is it true? The sad part, yes, it is. It's just not the same anymore. The world, we human beings have lost the sense of wonder. We, we've all have grown up. We're grown up adults, with dreams, aspirations, not that our ancesters didn't have dreams, not that they never thought of big things in life. Even they did. The only difference. Each and every of thought back then, had 'life' attached to it.

We no longer catch our breath at the sight of a rainbow or the scent of a flower, as we once did. We have grown bigger and everything else is now smaller, less impressive. We've grown out of things, yes, we have.
We no longer run our fingers through water, no longer shout at the starts or make faces at the moon. Water is now 2 atoms of Hydrogen and 1 atom of Oxygen, the stars have been classified, the entire world has changed its meaning, or have we changed the way we used to think?

We get so preoccupied with ourselves, the words we speak, the plans and projects we deal, that now it's like we've become immune to the glory of creation. We barely notice the cloud passing over the moon or the dewdrops clinging to the rose petals.
I say, I do notice some of it, but when? When it comes down to photography, or if some one just packs my bag, and off I go. To a place, in solitude. But do I see any of it when during any of my regular time tables? I doubt I do.
It's sad. It's when there is more of bricks all around, and less of green space. And when you have a detailed discussion on such things, you tend tend to get reminded of all what you had when we were kids, and all what we lost while growing up into adults.

At 21, I do miss a lot of things which earlier were a part of my life.

I don't know how to really sum it up, and if at all this article is going anywhere!

All I wish that, perhaps, had I not lost the sense of wonder, life today, in the 21st centuary, would have been much, much different. And more beautiful perhaps!